Lve wedding painting

Live Wedding Painting

Original Oil Painting

Live Wedding Painting:

Capture Your Event Live

With An Extraordinary Original

Oil Painting by Russ Kramer 

Megan & Andrew at the Rosecliff Mansion

Celebration on the beach with guests

Kristy & Mike at the Aquidneck Club

A summer wedding on the lawn

A 9″ x 12″ of a beach wedding at the Ocean House and finished in the studio

Juan & Kate at the New York Yacht Club

Russ Kramer is widely regarded as one of America’s leading wedding artists, a highly skilled plein air painter with a unique ability to capture events live, on site, in front of an audience. He is able to produce an heirloom-quality painting during the course of a reception that is imbued with an artistic spirit impossible to express through mere photography. There is no more treasured gift to give the bride and groom than Russ’ original oil painting of their once-in-a-lifetime event.

For more information on pricing, click here or please call (813) 748-6470 or e-mail